Saturday, August 20, 2011

zero growth economy

Now is the opportune time to implement zero growth

If the lilies in a pond were to double in a day, a time would come when the pond would be half full of lilies. What would happen the next day?

The pond will be completely full of lilies in one day. We as human beings have to be careful that we do not reach that halfway mark.

If deer breed too much grass will become scarce, and automatically regulate their population.

If lions breed too much deer will become scarce, and automatically regulate their population.

As you can see the caring capacity will automatically regulate the growth.

With humans it becomes more complicated than this. Humans have technology and oil, we can artificially tamper with our caring capacity using oil and other energy sources and agriculture.

This bogus caring capacity is very fragile because of the limited energy resources and the adverse effects of pollution created. We have already exceeded our true caring capacity in the previous century.

Our pond, the earth is a fixed size we cannot change it but we can change the pollution and energy we use.

I have noticed all world leaders have one thing in common they are trying to increase growth. All major economies are designed to function on growth.

These economies will collapse if they do not grow. Why is this? This is because our economy is based on the parasite system.

The only way to stop the destruction of earth is to drop the parasite system.

The only reason why we have a growth system is to feed the parasite. If we drop the parasite earth can continue for millions of years.

If we do not drop the parasite we and the parasite will be automatically dropped by nature.

We need to do this now before it is too late this can only be done if the world comes under one rule, one government.

Russia and China tried to drop the parasite system early in the previous century but it could not work because other countries supported the parasite system.

This caused a cold war which forced Russia and China to implement a shadow parasite system just to survive.

The parasites were not smart enough to realize that they were creating completion against themselves. Now the whole world is polluting earth even more than just the parasite countries.

Think of how much pollution just one of these war planes, or corporate jets create.

We need a system that is based on zero growth:

zero military, zero police, zero accountants, zero lawyers, zero population growth, zero economic growth etc...

Greed cause the people who get free education in their socialist countries migrate to the parasite countries causing a brain drain. The people in the parasite countries have to pay for an education for the rest of their lives ( a mortgage without a home).

As you can see the basic greed of mankind gives the parasite an unfair advantage because ignorance would not migrate to a none parasite country.

The republican-parasite-beast has a solution to the present crisis:

Import more educated people from foreign countries, they noted Google, Intel, Facebook etc... were created by foreigners.

Cut education for our own people, cut health care.

Buy the foreclosed homes and rent them back to the people.

They also eliminated the expiration time limit on student loans, while there is a seven year limit on other loans.

They can borrow our money at zero interest and declare bankruptcy, while we borrow student loans and cannot declare bankruptcy.

How can we overcome this imminent destruction of mankind?

We have to drop the parasite beast. The parson is the major ally of the beast, he teaches that we the people will receive our reward in heaven, while the beasts are having their reward now on earth.

Parson teaches that we will burn in hell fire for eternity if we drop the parasite beast.

Now that the world economy is collapsing is the right time to implement zero growth.

Unusemenucum 8/20/11

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